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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Teal Tuesday!

Hi everyone it's Teal Tuesday again and I wanted to show off a special polish. This is Diamond Cosmetics Don't Teal My Heart's special because a friend gave me this last year the kindness of that friend lasts and lasts! So this is Two coast of D.T.M.H.A. very beautiful I almost got away with one but wanted to make two it was!

So I always like to bling up cremes...I added Essie's Good as Gold that another friend recommended to me for stamping because I didn't have a gold. I used Bundle Monster plate 315 which didn't transfer because of an oopsie I don't usually have..I had the fan on v_v oh well I kinda like it not all there ^_^.
 Now I like shiny stuff but I'm really digging the Matte right now so I decided to put Hard Candy Matte-ly In Love on top of this! Turns out I love it!!

Well I hope you liked today's post..
Right now I'm wearing Don't Teal My Heart Away on my toes also (with a little holo glitter)...I don't usually match my toes with my nails but this! This was worth can wear a color so many ways just for kicks what's on your toes right now?

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